How did you and your family celebrate Thanksgiving? Our family celebrate traditions from years past. The children always watch Macy’s Thanksgiving parade on TV. My family gathered at the home of my sister, Charlotte and Laird Barnard. Others present were Derek Driver, Kiana, Taylor and Keira, Greg Roberts and myself. Some took a siesta after lunch.
The home of Betty and Jack Loeb was another Thanksgiving scene. Those present were Bill and Kim Turner, and Alex, Kathy and Neal Bryant, Luke Turner and Payne. After lunch, the group played Pictionary which was a lot of fun.
Robin and Kristy Driver and Ashton dined at her sisters, Katelyn and J.D. Humphrey in Sparta on Thanksgiving Day.
Faye Christian Nixon had a busy week. She and her son, Steve Nixon enjoyed turkey day at the home of her sister, Jimmie Carol and Carl Panter in McMinnville. There were 15 present: Those were: Melvin and Melissa Ray, and Madeline, Marla, Jimmy Nixon and children, Barry and Larry Panter. After dinner they celebrated Melvin and Carl’s birthdays which are November 24.
Several Bazaars are in town this week. One is at the county complex on December 3. Also a indoor sale at First Baptist Enrichment Center, 8 to 4 p.m., pictures with Santa can be made. The parade is also on December 3 at 1 p.m.
Get well wishes to Dallas Johnson, Ron Dobbs, Laird Barnard and Anne Foutch Gilpin.
Sympathy to these people who have lost love ones this month. Also to the families of the children killed in the bus crash. Keep a song and prayer in your heart in this season. Amen