The Amen Corner 01_24
Brrr…winter has come! We finally had snow. Schools were closed.
Kiana Driver celebrated her tenth birthday at the home of her father Derek Driver on Jan. 15. Ice cream and cake were served to her guests. Those present were: Charlotte Barnard, Aunt Shirley Ingram, Taylan, Robert and Kiera Driver, Tiara Anderson and Maddison and Derek.
Sympathy to the family and friends of Jerry Winfrey, an educator. James Moss, a cousin and his family came in from Virginia.
Happy Birthday to Beth Pafford, Patsy Judkins and Lavelle Smith – a remarkable lady. Asked about her longevity and she replied “eating lots of good food and a positive outlook on life”.
Get well wishes to: Dallas Johnson, Cleo McDonald, Lois Farwell, Charmaine Mitchell and Laird Barnard.
Thought of the month: Get your flu shot and stay warm.