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The Amen Corner
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Our part of the country is all aglow with the beautiful redbud and dogwood trees in bloom. Hopefully, it's time to put away those heavy winter coats and sweatshirts.
Well, it pays to circle your birthday on everyone's calendar.
My family helped me celebrate last Monday evening at the home of my sister's and brother-in-aw.  Glad they don't put the real number of candles on the cake. (We would have to call the fire engine out.)
And Angie, it does pay to advertise.  This month I advertised a house that I had for rent and I got 15 calls.  Finally got it rented!
I'm still waiting on my wedding invitation from England.  It may have got lost in the mail.  They had better hurry before my social calendar gets too full!
Remember the men wearing bowties in the 50's?   Charles, a friend of mine, told me recently that he went into the men's dept. at Dillard's and the clerk there was wearing a bowtie.  When this fashion item was discussed, the clerk told him that they sold about 200 bowties during the holidays.  One day, my minister husband who wore bowties, received a call from the local undertaker in Livingston.  He asked him to come down to the funeral home and tie a bowtie on one of his clients.  The undertaker was having trouble tying the bowtie. So my husband obliged and did the task at hand.
A couple came in our Country Treasures Shoppe last week and asked for little boy’s bowties.  We had little girl’s hairbows but no bowties.  They said that their grandson had used his sister's hairbows and made himself a bowtie. So men, get in step with the latest fashion and get a bowtie. What anchor man on TV wears one?(Answer next week!).
Everyone needs a little R&R every now and then. Right?
The historical Methodist resort at Beersheba Springs was the destination for Betty Turner, Gail Bishop and yours truly last weekend.It was a weekend with spiritual meditation and opportunities to rest and relax in a beautiful area inGrundy County.  We stayed in the comfortable Cal Turner Jr. Lodge(he is CEO of the Dollar GeneralStores) and a generous Methodist.  There were interesting optional workshops or one could go hiking, enjoy homecooked food with no dishwashing required, read, write, paint, nap or whatever you wanted.  This famous resort is the best kept secret in these parts.
If you've never been to Beersheba Springs, you've missed one of the most beautiful resorts in this area.  Its history goes back to the pre-Civil war time with its beautiful hotel lodge  with several surrounding cottages.  Betty presented me with an interesting book about this place as a birthday present.  It served many distinguished visitors such as Andrew Jackson suffering from declining health who came there for the healing springs.  Also Gov. James K. Polk held a political meeting there in 1840.  It's a nice drive of 45 miles from here for a good one day trip.  The homecooked meals were worth going..
Hope everyone got their income tax filed before the deadline.
Happy Palm Sunday this Sunday.  Amen.