I worked in the Primary Election last Tuesday at the courthouse. It was a long day, 7 a.m.-7 p.m.
I worked with a great team of workers: Chris, Nell, Roger, Jo Ellen, Linda, Lena who brought her delicious fruit fried pies which went quickly. Dennis and Muriel stood by for consultation. Each brought a covered dish so we didn't have to take time out to go out for lunch.
I always enjoy seeing all the voters come in.
Mrs. Hazel Hibdon celebrated her 99th birthday last week at her home. I am a friend of one of her daughters, Joyce Mullinax, whom I went to high school with and also, MTSU.
We rode back and forth on Mondays and Fridays with Billy Frank Murphy in his shiny, red convertible. One time he had trouble getting the top up when it came a shower.
Get-well wishes to Kim Luton who had hip surgery last week; others who had bone inujuries: Rose Colwell Dillen and Sara Brown, from falls. Doyle Smith is in NHC now.
Happy birthday in May to: T.M. Hooper, Marie Hill, Amanda Blair, Walter Burton, William Cain, Rev. Mark Pafford, Jane Cantrell, Emily Bass, Nate Lasser, William Clendenene, Justin Hooper, Spencer Iverlett, Becky Roberts, Carol hendrixson, Sally King, Karen Knowles (v.p. at Smithville Elem.) Sherian Waggoner, Teresa Sullivan Talitha Looney and my cousin, Sylvia Lockhart Baird in Baxley, Georgia. Anniversaries next week!
DeKalb County has some of the friendliest, most cooperative folk in the world. The clerks at the Dollar General Store (Paula, Tammy, Vicky,) just to name a few are so friendly and helpful.
My sister went to school with the founder of that store chain Cal Turner jr. in Scottsville, Ky. Others around town are the mechanics at the Pure Station on the corner of Congress Blvd. and Hwy. 70. I had a leak in a tire, and Mr. Gill. and his men solved my problem. There are other "Good Samaritans" around town.
And then Billie Cook sent me a taco and cabbage beef soup recipes. She knew I was not a gourmet cook.
Kindergarten registration is scheduled at Smithville Elem. School Friday. Check with the office for necessary documents to have.
The Amen Corner
Sure hope you voted