I've been having a problem with words lately. Words have meanings, and some words have meanings that are different from person to person, and I wonder why that is?
As I grew up, words were pretty specific. In the last twenty or thirty years, words have added to or replaced their original meanings.
An example:
Suspect! When I was young, suspect meant that you believe something is or isn't. Take the Fort Hood Killer. He is now considered a "suspect", which means to me that he may or may not be the one that did the shooting!
Now that might be true if he was captured two or three weeks after the incident. But he was caught and shot on site with the weapon in his hand. And this happened in Texas!
In Texas there used to be a law or rule that if you were caught in the act of killing someone, you were given a fair trial and hung the very next day.
Can anyone explain to me what's wrong with that?
Now, this guy is going to spend years fighting this, and it's going to cost our pocketbooks millions of dollars in tax money. And, there is no assurance he will get what he deserves (which to me means a visit with Allah).
One other point on this guy! If he wants to go to Allah we should accomidate him ASAP. If he's hoping to find those 72 virgins when he gets there, let's hope that they are all boys!
What do we have to do, to get this country to restart our own energy use?
When I was driving a truck all over this country, I'd see honestly, hundreds of oil wells sticking out of the ground, and in those fields full of wells, there would be just one pumping.
That just dosen't seem right. There are thousands of oil wells that are capped everywhere you go in oil country.
Have we given free rein to the enviromentalist's to control our lives so completely?
What's happened to us? We used to be a strong, proud nation of Americans, guess we've been brow beaten by those words that certain groups find objectionable. I find those groups objectionable, they're turning us into sheep.
If I'm destined to be a sheep, i want to be a Ram.
I was going to talk about my peas that I planted a couple of weeks ago, but then I realized that they remind me of the America of today.
As soon as they poked through the ground, birds started picking and pulling them up.
The peas were my country, and all those puny little birds were other countries, picking and pulling our country apart.
And I, like the rest of the world, just sit here and watch. Am I dumb or what?
Guess it's time for the shotgun, and time to take back my peas.
What are you going to do?
The Musings of an Old Guy