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There are angels all around us
The Amen Corner
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Last week or so ago, I announced that I was going to do some much needed fall cleaning. Well, I've started.


First, the Christmas clutter had to go (and it did!) The secret is to take a room a day, from top to bottom.


The spirit and goodness of a small town happened to me last week. First, I was about to run out of gas.


So I pulled in Kwik n'Easy. When I pulled out my billfold, I only had $2. I had also left my checkbook at home.


I told my plight to Tammy on the cash register. I promised to go home and get my checkbook. Meanwhile, Trisha overheard our conversation and came out and pumped my gas. I went home, got my checkbook and returned with the amount. Those were my two angels for that day.


Then I took my great nephew, Robert, to the grocery store. I wanted to put him in the shopping cart seat rather than chase him around the store. Due to hip surgery, I couldn't lift him. In the door came a smiling lady, Cheryl Jones. I told her my problem and she picked Robert up and put him in the seat. Both of us thanked her. She was my third angel that week. Then on Christmas Eve, I had a light come on the dashboard.


It showed a low tire. I told the lady inside. I told her that I would buy some gas if she could check my tire. Since she was the only one there, she referred me next door to Pokey's place. So I went next door and David came out and found the low tire. So he was my fourth angel or Good Samaritan that week.


Nowhere could I have had such courteous, helpful folk except in Smithville. I felt blessed in all of these situations! Amen!


I assume that everyone's life is back to normal after the holidays! I received 47 Christmas cards. It's rewarding to hear from friends in other towns. I've lived in 9 other towns and this is the only time for communication to/from them. But I didn't get all my cards out this year. If you didn't get one, just hang around and wait for your Valentine.


One good thing is that gas prices have gone down!


One traditional holiday dinner was enjoyed at the Salem Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on Christmas Day by a family of brothers and sisters. Present were Lena Rhody,Jessie Vanatta, Truitt Robinson, Robert Robinson , Lavelle Turner, Bertha McBride and their families---66 in all. Their entertainment was David Turner, a ventriquilist and Elvis impersonator. Needless to say, a good time was had by all!


Sympathy to Ron Dobbs and his family in the loss of his mother, Ruth Dobbs..He wrote a very loving eulogy in memory of her, which was in last week's issue.


Get well wishes to: Sarah Brown, T.M. Hooper, Tom Hill, Tina Barrett, Laird Barnard, Jane Eller and Earl Dyer.


Happy Birthday greetings the first part of January to: Ethan Judkins, Jeanenne Pettis, Myra Hale, Danny Poss, Debbie Stribling, Tiffany Ludwig, Heidi Webb, Jennifer Hatfield, Marshal Evins, Martha Cooper, Edie Beth Evins. Larry Tatum, Randy Johnson, Kiana Driver and James Sherwood.


Remember, no school on January 18----Martin Luther King Day!


Humor of the Week: A Sunday School teacher asked her class as to why Jesus was born in Bethlehem.


One little boy said: "Because that was where his mother was." Amen.