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This is as much my country as anyone elses
Musings of an old guy
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I'd like to express a political opinion here, mainly because this is as much my country as it is anyone elses. I read a letter to the editor in last weeks Review by Don Davidson. And, I agree with him 100%!
This country is being allowed to fall apart, and we are the ones that are letting it happen. Those young people in Neptune township, NJ should be able to hold their graduation ceremony in any building that the majority agree on. Anyone who is offended does not have to attend. That’s the way of this country, the majority rules until you build a different majority. That’s the way our laws are derived in every city, county, state and federal government to this day. If just one person doesn’t like what the majority wants, our whole system falls apart and that is just wrong. Does that mean that if I don't like paying my electric bill I can get the ACLU to file suit to get it changed to suit me?
If that’s the case, where is the ACLU's nearest office? By the way, I've been in that auditorium in Ocean Grove, NJ and besides being a very large space, it's just a down-right beautiful building, in a community that’s just one square mile and owned at one time entirely by the Methodist Church.
That was my serious thought for publication this week, now let’s talk about my critter racetrack! I left out a couple, of what I think are, interesting  items last week when I told you about my racetrack. When I built a couple of arbors for my climbing roses, grapes and clematis, who would have thought that they'd become nurseries as well? Well, they did! Robins have built a large nest among my rose arbor! I'm not certain how many young'uns Ma Robin has there, but she sure is protective. I can't get up there to deadhead my spent flowers without being told off very loudly. And in my clematis arbor, at the front door, a Mourning Dove built a nest, laid three eggs, two hatched, and Ma Dove is raising two cute little dovelets. So, my racetrack is part nursery, and I like it!
I called the county road dept. about that darn ditch. The lady there was as nice as she could be, and said she'd see about doing something about it. They haven't been here yet, but it’s Spring and I'm sure they have hundreds of things to fix before they have time to fix my ditch. I'm patient, but I'm gonna have to get out there in a day or two. Oh yeah, it's going to hurt! But, it's knee high and its got to go.
I'm sorry this column is so short this week, sitting and typing is kinda painful on this pinched nerve, but so is walking and sleeping. Next week I'll do better, because the medication is working, though not as fast as I'd like. So till then, see ya and remember any place you are is a place He wants you to enjoy!