RETURNING: Welcome back to Week 3 of this personal column. It has been said to “Never underestimate the power of the written word “(Emily Dickenson) This quote has been a part of my life for many years – a staple of my inbred personality and lifetime career choice.
FEEL BETTER SOON to my Driver’s Education instructor, Cleveland Bain, who was the first person to teach me how to drive an automobile many years ago. The classroom was on the Holiday Haven Road in Smithville. Hi Helen Hooper. I’ll get you next week!!!
DEADLY SNOW: The Tennessee Highway Patrol issued the following statement last week following the snow storm that hit Tennessee recently. There were 645 crashes with three being fatalities. Another storm was prognosticated for this previous weekend. Frigid weather warnings were issued, especially for last Monday and Tuesday, when temperatures were expected to be near 0 degrees with snow (1 inch) forecast for the end of the weekend and the beginning of this week. The Snow Cream Queen (Vicki Haggard) is on-call for next week.
FRIGID WEATHER: The weather forecast has been omnidirectional, but has landed right on target for the first time in a long time. All I could dream about was “snow cream.” It’s a natural innate thought - a childhood delight – and Queen Haggard can make the best, most delicious treat of anyone in the world. Don’t even try to top her. You’d be wasting your time. Hey Vick. Do you work on Sundays? And NO, she doesn’t take carry-out orders!
THE MIRACLE: Last Saturday, January 8, 2025 was the 25th anniversary of the infamous “Music City Miracle” – an NFL football play by the Tennessee Titans in their quest to defeat the Buffalo Bills at Adelphia stadium in Nashville. Kinda like when JFK was assassinated, you remember where you were on that day and some persons even remember what they were doing.
THE GAMES: Tennessee Volunteer Basketball is now ranked number 6 in the Associated Press Rankings for this past week. They were in first place last week but have been overtaken by Auburn. Remember? Florida cremated Tennessee last week! Former Vol Coach, Bruce Pearl is Auburn’s basketball coach.
Wednesday, January 22: In 1973, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled on Roe vs. Wade that a Texas statute criminalizing abortion was upheld as “a woman’s constitutional right of privacy.”
Thursday, January 23: Madeleine Albright is sworn in as the United States Secretary of State, the first female to hold this position. Later, she was followed by Hillary Rodham Clinton of New York.
Friday, January 24: Launched in 2003, the robotic-rover “Opportunity” landed on Mars and analyzed rocks, soils, and made photographs of the area.
Saturday, January 25: Claudius I, who extended Roman rule in North America and made Britain a providence of the Roman empire, was affirmed as the Roman Emperor.
Sunday, January 26: In 1788, the first European settlement was in Sydney, Australia.
Monday, January 27: The Paris Accord was signed in 1973, which ended the Vietnam War. Forces were immediately removed from South Vietnam. Three United States Presidents attended the meeting.
Tuesday, January 28: The space shuttle, Challenger, with school teacher, Christa MacCullough, and six other passengers on board, exploded in 1986.
Wednesday, January 29: Iraq, Iran and North Korea were named the “axes of evil” for their attempts to destroy nuclear, chemical or biological weapons.
A FAVORITE: “Live so that when you die, even the undertaker will be sorry.”
(Sign that hung in the business office of Jim Cummings, former Tennessee Secretary of State of Woodbury.)
ANOTHER YEAR OLDER: Happy Birthday wishes to:
Debra Smith Black, yesterday, January 21.
Shirley Douglas Hurst of Annapolis, MD, Mark Knowles and Amy James Rhody today, Wednesday, January 22.
Mary Beth Snow Treadway of Nashville on Thursday, January 23.
Jossie Brock and Viviane (Anderson) Webb of Cookeville on Friday, January 24.
Warren (Jenny) Abernathy of Georgia on Saturday, January 25.
Martha Kirksey Melching on Monday, January 27.
Miranda Harvey on Wednesday, January 29.
Beth (Gary) Good on Friday, January 31.
SINCEREST SYMPATHIES: We lost a good and faithful friend last week, specifically early Friday morning. Sally Jones was a funny and independent woman of her time. She will be missed, especially her humor, laughter and honesty. She took pride in always telling me that she worked side-by-side with my maternal aunt, the late Peggy Parker, when they were employed at the Smithville Shirt Factory many years ago. And condolences to the many friends and family members of Connie Smith, who died on Sunday, January 12, 2025 in Florida. Her daughter, Heather, is engaged to my son, Jim, and both are attorneys-at-law in Murfreesboro. Connie had been ill for several years. Her funeral and burial were held in Kentucky, her home state. Many thoughts, prayers, and love to Heather and her family at this very sad and difficult time.
JACK OF ALL TRADES: Not only is my friend Jimmy Putty a weather prognosticator, he is an amateur singer too. Every day, he spontaneously solos in the Webb House dining room. I don’t know if he knows what he’s singing or not. It doesn’t matter. At least he’s making noise. He and I are the only “entertainers” in the room. Laughter is worth its weight in gold.
NAW! Did you know that UPS (United Parcel Service) delivers in Smithville on Saturdays and Sundays. So does FedEx. They deserve an award of merit, especially when making package deliveries during this artic weather.
SPECIAL VISITORS: Hellos to friends, Bethel Thomas, Jr. of Memphis and Linda Loftis of Smithville.
WEEKLY LUCY “UP” DATE: For almost 20 years, Lucy and I have used an abbreviated language to contact each other. Every morning of every week of every year, Lucy lets me know she is alive and well. It’s called cell phone communication. A sinful early riser, I have orders never to call her – she will let me know when she’s alive. My cue is simple. She types the word UP on my text and then I have the freedom to call her. It’s a death sentence if it’s before daylight. Same orders from Lori Webb – don’t call me before 7 a.m.! The only person alive during this time is my son, Jim. Major problem – he won’t answer his phone. So sad!!!
Comments or questions: I’m always awake.
Through the grapevine week 3