News from the Mountain
By: Carol Gunter
Got to see a couple of good friends at DeKalb Market today after church. Jackie and Jolene who work there at Glenda’s store very busy, but we did manage to give each other a hug and talk about Christmas and this New Year 2019 that has finally gotten here. I’m still wondering about how fast 2018 left us. So many people tell me as you get older time just flies by. If that be the case, I believe its wings need to be clipped. I would rather it would slow down so I could smell the roses more frequently. For us that are older, we now can hopefully enjoy a lot of things we put off for years, because we were trying to raise a family. When the kids leave the nest, you’ve got some leisure time on your hands that is so peaceful, and hey you deserve is so enjoy hobbies, trips, and whatever you love to do.
Please keep in your prayers: the family of Mrs. Louise Frazier, Charlie Mai Daniel, and Paulette Osment.
With this New Year, comes more wonderful blessings from God for us. What better way of serving Him than telling others about the mercy, grace, and forgiveness of their sins, if they will only ask Jesus to come into their lives and make them whole. At any moment something could happen to us, and if we haven’t accepted Jesus, God’s son, then we would be doomed to hell for eternity. Jesus has shown all of us just how much He loves us by His dying on the cross to make a way for us to be forgiven of our sins. Nothing here, as I’ve before, is worth losing your soul over. Jesus wants to save your soul so you can be with Him for eternity. It is so simple to have Jesus the One that truly loves you, in your life. Do as I did years ago and just humble yourself and ask Him for forgiveness of your sins. You will know the peace that only Jesus can give you inside. You’ll feel His presence surrounding you, when those trials in life come your way. Rest assured though, He’ll be right there to get you through them.
Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.
Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world, Amen. Matthew 28:19,20
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-563-4429.
Have a great day!