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Weather made weekend great
News from the Mountain
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What a beautiful week it is with daily temperatures in the 70’s and lows in the 50’s at night. This seems like heaven doesn’t it? Speaking of heaven, heard this morning on the gospel radio station 55% of people believe doing "good works" is the way you get to heaven! Just where did they get such a preposterous idea like that I don’t know. Good works are fine and dandy but the "only way" to get to heaven is to confess your sins and to ask Jesus to forgive you of them and that you want to live for Him and let Him lead, guide, and direct the path you travel in this life here. Don’t have blinders on and let others derail you from the most important decision you will make in your life. I’ve been there so I know exactly what I am talking about. Have you noticed how miserable and unhappy and unsatisfied people are that have not accepted Jesus? You will have trials and tribulations in your life here that is for sure, but if you have Jesus, you have the one true friend that will never, but never fail you in your time of despair. The comfort He gives you is for me unexplainable, but I know He’s there for me to lean on when I do not see any way I can survive the hurt feeling inside. He will give you the will to keep going as He is stabilizing your life and drying your tears. I would tell others if you haven’t asked Jesus, God’s only begotten Son, to come into your life and to forgive you of your sins, then please don’t wait a second longer, because our life which is like a vapor can be gone so quickly. There is a heaven and there is a hell. This world will take you to the latter. I made no bones about this and never will I detract from that statement. On one hand are the glories of heaven and all of its splendors being with Jesus and walking on those streets of gold being reunited with all those loved ones that have gone on before that had accepted Jesus Christ as their Personal Savior. Paradise that will be unspeakable. On the other hand is burning in hell forever and ever. This fire won’t be like your fingers on the stove, because this fire you can’t get relief from as it never ends and it will be so many times hotter. Everyone has a choice how to live their life. Why would you not want to be with the One that loves you so much that He died shedding His precious blood for you and me and be in total bliss for all of eternity? This world will only send you to hell that is all it has to offer. There’s quite a big difference in Jesus and this lost world that the loser has control over isn’t there?


Do keep in prayer: the family of Chloe Evelyn Bogle, Denise Stanton, Carlon and Mai Nell Melton, Fay Pitts, Ruth Brown, and also Charlie Mai Daniel.


If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at (615)-563-4429.


Have a great day!


Be still and know that I am God. Psalms 46:10