Winners have been announced in the Chamber of Commerce Jamboree Welcome Mat contest, the winners selected in each of four categories.
“We want to thank all the businesses that participated in the 18th Annual Chamber of Commerce "Jamboree Project Welcome Mat" contest and for using your message signs to welcome Jamboree visitors,” said Chamber Director Suzanne Williams. “It's extremely important to let our tourists know how appreciated they are, so mission accomplished! All the signs were worthy of winning, but here's how the vote turned out!”
The contest challenged anyone with a public sign or board to post a saying, welcoming the Jamboree. The community had numerous entries.
The 2019 Jamboree Project Welcome Mat winners are as follows:
People's Choice Award - Liberty State Bank "Cloggin', Fiddlin', Bring Your Mate, It's Time To Celebrate Jamboree 48"
Most Original - Wilson Bank and Trust
"It'll Be Hot & Humid, The Rain We'll See, But It's Always Fun At The Jamboree"
Best Worded - Tennessee Credit
"Get Your Loved Ones, Let's Make a Date, To Go To The Fiddlers' 48"
Most Creative - Creations by Donna
"Take a Break From the Lake, Don't Be Late For Jamboree 48"