New Home News
Billy and Stephanie Tiner have returned home with baby Sophia Ann. She is just so beautiful.
She is getting a lot of special attention right now from her Grammy, Nannie and Granny. Stephanie and Billy are doing fine. Usually no one asks about the parents. But the baby is adjusting fine.
Sophia attended church for the first time this Sunday. Everyone gathered around to see her of course she looked just precious in her dress and headband.
Wesley Puckett celebrated his first birthday this past week. A big happy birthday to him.
Bro. Thurman Seber preached at New Home Baptist Church this past Sunday. We were glad to have him and Mrs. Laura there. We enjoyed his message.
School will be in full swing this coming Friday. I hope everyone took advantage of the tax free weekend and got all their school supplies and new clothes.
The New Home community is saddened by the loss of a long time resident, Clara Mai Hawkins. She was also a member of New Home Baptist Church. Sympathy is extended to her family, Don and Treba Hawkins, Queda Ferrell, Brenda and Jackie Herman, Beverly and Marshall Ferrell, Ronnie and Linda Hawkins, and Phillip and Ann Hawkins, and her grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
“Watch therefore for ye know not when the master of the house cometh at even, or at midnight, or at the cockcrowing, or in the morning. Lest coming suddenly he find you sleeping. And what I say unto you I say unto all, Watch.” (Mark 13: 35,36,37)