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Women's Expo has big turnout
New Home News from Barbara Ann Ervin
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New Home News with Barbara Ann Ervin

New Home News

By: Barbara Ann Ervin

Women’s Expo a big turn out!

I hope everyone enjoyed an Easter celebration in recognition of the resurrection of Jesus Christ my Lord and my Savior. I always have a good time celebrating Easter. Can you imagine someone loving you so much that they gave their life for your sins? Can you imagine giving up your child for the sins of this world? No, I say not but God did and He done this for everyone. Does not matter who you are what you do or have done He will forgive you of your sins and save you, all you have to do is believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, repent of your sins and accept the Lord as you Savior.

Easter Sunday dinner was held at the home of Rebecca Ervin. Attending were Doug and Barbs Ervin, Ryan, Lindsy and Charlee Winfree, Hayden and Katie Ervin, Hunter, Nicole, Ryder, Cooper, and Tucker Standfield, Spencer Ervin, and Mark and Kimberly Violet. Everyone had a wonderful time.

Sunday dinner was held at the home of Wil and Angie Meadows, attending were Billy, Stephanie, Sophie and Serentiy TIner, Brandon, Kim and Tyler.

The Women’s Expo was enjoyed by everyone who came to shop and the vendors. The Review is already planning for next year’s event. Thanks to everyone who came out to see all the vendors. The Review also has an event the first Saturday in December, the Christmas Market. Call the office 615-597-5485 for details on this event.

Happy Birthday Ciara Hale, to my son, Hayden Ervin, Ronda Young, Jennifer Neal and my son-in-law Ryan Winfree.

Please pray for: Kimberly Violet, improving but not better yet, Charlee Winfree, has tubes put in her ears, Lucy and Kenneth Young. Please remember the families that have lost loved ones, the Parker family and the Sonner family.  Always pray for the lost, the soldiers and their family and this world.

If you have anything for the column call: 615-597-5485

God bless and have a wonderful week!

I am the living bread which came down from heaven: if any man eat of this bread, he shall live forever: and the bread that I will give is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world. John 6:51