Our world today is full of stories about being arrested and charged with crimes of all kinds, some very serious and some not so serious. It is said that a person is considered innocent until proven guilty in a court of law. Normally, when people plead “not guilty”, there is a trial in which a judge or jury considers evidence to determine whether a person is actually guilty or not of the crime with which they are charged. If it is determined that a person is actually guilty, it is said that the person has been convicted of the crime with which he was charged.
“Words from Above” make it clear that all people who are ever born into this world are guilty of committing sin against the Almighty God of Heaven and Earth. The apostle Paul says in Romans 3:23 that “all have sinned and come short of the glory of God”. That means that we have not lived up to the expectations that God had for the human race when He created it. But, people are not aware of their guilt until someone makes them aware of it, like was the case in a sermon preached by the apostle Peter on the Day of Pentecost following the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus.
This sermon is recorded in Acts 2, after the Holy Spirit filled all the disciples who were praying for God to fulfill a promise made by Jesus to His disciples on the day of His ascension into heaven. Some accused them of being drunk with new wine, but Peter proclaimed the real truth as the Old testament prophet Joel had prophesied. In this sermon Peter accused the religious leaders of the day of crucifying Jesus, the very one who was sent by God as the long-awaited Messiah. He also said that God had raised Jesus from the dead and had made Him Lord and Christ. The Bible tells us that they were convicted in their heart upon hearing the words of Peter, and they immediately asked what they needed to do about it.
Peter clearly told them that they needed to repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus for the remission or forgiveness of their sins so that they might receive the gift of the Holy Spirit. He told them that this was precisely the promise God had been making throughout all of history and a promise He continues to make today. About 3,000 people accepted Peter’s advice and were baptized that very day, and added to the kingdom of God. The good news is that Peter’s advice is still good today, and everyone needs to follow it.
Larry R. Steffee is pastor of the Center Hill Brethren In Christ Church on Miller Road in Smithville. Everyone is welcome to attend. For information, you may email lrsteffeetn@yahoo.com.