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Larry Steffee 2

        March 22 is the unofficial day in America called National Goof Off Day, originally created by a 10-year-old girl in 1976, who called into a radio show hosted by her grandfather.  An American movie airing in 1976 called Ferris Bueller’s Day Off, featured a high-schooler taking the day off school to goof off and do what he wanted to do.  The truth of the matter is that most people take many more days off to do nothing or to goof off.

        “Words from Above” in the Bible tell us that Jesus promoted the idea of what He called “occupying” until He came back.  This is not to say that we as believers should not take a day off, because Jesus certainly promotes a day of rest weekly.  One of the Ten Commandments tell us to “Remember the Sabbath Day, to keep it holy”, the Sabbath Day being the day of rest.  So, there must be a proper balance between a day of rest and the idea of occupying until Jesus returns.

        There were some in the days of the early Christian Church who had the idea that Jesus could come back any day, so there was really no point in doing all that much.  It was kind of like they were coasting into the Rapture, but Jesus Himself considered working for the Lord and seeking to advance His cause and His kingdom to be way more of an urgent matter.  This is, in fact, what Jesus meant by occupying until He comes.

        Jesus gave His disciples, which includes His present-day disciples, the Great Commission in Matthew 28, where he told them and us to teach all people all that He commands us to do, and that He would be with us always.  This is meant for all believers of all times, and is part of what all believers need to do in the effort to occupy until Jesus comes.  This involves sharing with unbelievers the message of the gospel, the story of Jesus and his love for all people, and His desire to give them His gift of salvation.

        Jesus once also told His disciples that there was a great harvest of lost souls in the world that needed to be reaped, or gathered into His kingdom.  He also pointed out that there was a great need for more workers to labor in that harvest, and that He wanted us to pray that the Lord would wend even more workers into the harvest.  So, we need to be the answer to that prayer and we need to invite others to join us in this great effort.  So, we cannot be really goofing off at all.

Larry R. Steffee is pastor of the Center Hill Brethren In Christ Church on Miller Road in Smithville.  Everyone is welcome to attend.  For informa-tion, you may email