Since 2020, October 10 has been observed as World Homeless Day on every continent except Antarctica. Its purpose is to draw attention to the needs of the homeless in local communities, and to provide opportunities to get involved in responding to homelessness. It is estimated that 150 million people are homeless throughout the world, and California has the largest national homeless population. Lack of affordable housing and poverty are considered to be wo main reasons for homelessness., but other contributing factors include job loss, physical illness or disability, death of members of the household, mental illness, substance use disorder, or domestic abuse or violence.
“Words from Above” in the Bible speak very clearly about having either a permanent home in eternity in heaven or hell. Contrary to what many in the general population often believe, people do not deliberate choose to be homeless. However, whether people spend eternity in heaven or eternity in hell, it is a deliberate choice, whether people realize it or not. Jesus speaks about this in His Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 7:13, 14, “Enter in at the narrow gate, for wide is the gate, and broad the way, leading to destruction, and many go in that way. But narrow is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leads to life, and there be few who find it.”
Jesus makes it very clear that there is a choice as to which gate people enter and which road they travel through life, that determines their eternal destination. He points out that there are many people who choose to travel the broad way, but this is definitely one time that the majority is not right, and just because “everyone else” is doing it does make it the right thing to do. There are some situations in which the majority might rule, as they say, but again that does not mean they are doing the right thing. Jesus said that only a few make the choice to travel the narrow road, but this is the only one that is really the wise choice.
In Luke 16, Jesus tells a story about a rich man and a beggar named Lazarus. He said that the rich man lived a life of luxury on earth, but when he died he was tormented in the flames of hell. On earth, he lived in a large estate accessed through a gate, but now he was confined to a life of solitude and loneliness. Contrary to what many people believe, hell is not one big party where all our friends get to celebrate. The beggar, on the other hand, lived in splendor and glory. What will you choose?
Larry R. Steffee is pastor of the Center Hill Brethren In Christ Church on Miller Road in Smithville. Everyone is welcome to attend. For informa-tion, you may email