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Basketball Baron and Baroness
Baron & Baroness
Kadee Ferrell and Aiden Whitman were named as the first ever Basketball Baron and Baroness at DCHS last week. Alumni Week is a week-long celebration of DCHS’s basketball history.

DeKalb County High School is beginning a new tradition that will honor its basketball legacy, both past and present. Much like the school’s Homecoming Week during football season, DCHS will be celebrating Alumni Week all week, leading to the crowning of this year’s Basketball Baron and Baroness.

Basketball Cheer Coach and Health Science Teacher Kelly Agee said the idea of celebrating the school’s basketball history came from celebrations from the past. “This week at the high school we’re having what we call Alumni Week,” Agee said. “It’s our first year celebrating this, and it’s something that Coaches Danny Fish and John Sanders, and I came up with, wanting to bring light to the saying ‘Once a Tiger, always a Tiger.’ It’s a celebratory week for basketball.”

“This year we have several players whose parents played in this same gym,” Agee continued. “The roots run deep under that gym floor, so we’re bringing back events from the past. Tuesday will be our kick off pep rally, and on Wednesday we are having a student versus teacher basketball game, which I played in when I was in school. On Thursday we’ll be having a lip sync battle like the concerts Mrs. Bess put on during Tigerettes’ Initiation Week. All will be leading up to Friday’s game, where we will crown our first ever Baron and Baroness (a reference to Baron Johann DeKalb for which the county takes its name) and recognize two past players, Helen Lee and Rick Usrey. It will be Tiger Pride at its best.”

Agee said that the school really wanted to put more focus on our alumni, and adding to the Wall of Fame. “We’ll be recognizing two current players, and two alumni.”

“We’re having dress up events all through the week, 50s, 70s, 80s, and 90s, and of course Friday will be our Tiger Pride day,” Agee explained.

This inaugural year, Aiden Whitman has been named as the first ever Basketball Baron of DeKalb County, while basketball standout Kadee Ferrell has been named as the first ever Basketball Baroness of DeKalb County. 

“It’s an honor, because I was voted on by all four grades,” Whitman said. Whitman, a senior, has been a basketball manager for the past four years, taking care of the equipment before the games and working the bench during the games. He is a member of the Beta Club as well as the FCA.

“It’s very exciting to be the first Baroness,” said Ferrell. “It’s a big honor because it’s voted on by the school, and that means a lot.” Ferrell is also a member of the Beta Club, as well as Climate Crew.