DCHS students will walk a new gym floor this year for the first time since 1963.
Workers began removing the old floor last week, and are now working on installing the new surface.
The Director of Schools Patrick Cripps was authorized to act on replacing the floor, which was recently discovered to be infested by termites, by the board of education in April.
While the floor has been refinished several times during it’s more than 50-year history, the surface had not been replaced since the school was built.
Praters Flooring of Chattanooga was awarded the bid to do the job at a cost of $153,480.
A few planks from the old floor were saved to be sold as souvenirs, with the money going to help replace the playing surface. Prices start at $10.00, and parties interested in owning a piece of DCHS history may call the school at 615-597-4094.