The Relay for Life 5k and one-mile fun run was held last Saturday at Green Brook Park, with runners from all age groups competing to help find a cure.
Michael Mathis was the overall winner of the 5K event with a record-setting time of 19:38.
Doris Graham had the best women’s time overall, covering the 5K course in 27.36.
Macy Hedge took home the first place medal in the one-mile run, covering the distance in 8:35.
Cheryl Vance and Angela Miller tied for second, crossing the finish line at 16:04.
Bryson Greer took top honors in the youth division with a time of 36.12.
In the 19-29 year-old division, James Ivy covered the distance in 20.17, good for first place, while Natalie ivy turned in the quickest time for the women, a 29.21.
Overall winner Michael Mathis time was also the fastest among 30-39 year-old male entrys, while Melissa Ruch traveled the 5K distance faster than any other 30-39 year-old woman at 29.17.
Women’s winner Doris Graham took first in the 40-49 age group, as well as the overall win. Beth Stephens was second fastest in the division with a 37.20, and June Keith came in third with 41.30 on the clock.
Lonnie Swope bested the 50-59 year-old men with a time of 24.41, and Joan Barrett came out ahead of the women with a time of 32.09.
Judy Tanatis showed the 60 + class the finish line with a time of 37.43.
Mathis, Graham top Relay 5K run
Mathis sets new event record