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Mud flies at the fair
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If riding around in the mud is something you enjoy, then you missed your chance at this year's Grandpa Fair of the South in Alexandria. On Tuesday night, the Go Kart Races came to town and put on a show.
Racing for points, the DeKalb County Fair is one stop for the race teams. Racers have a total of five races, with the lowest finish being thrown out. The team with the most points at the end of the racing season wins the championship.
With so little chances, each race must be a successful one for the race teams. The night started with the Yard Karts.
The 16 Year-Old and Up Class started the night. There were four entries, with Brent Vickers leading the way to the checkered flag.
The 7-9 Year-Old Class Yard Karts were second up, with Dylan Fetcho winning.
In the third race, Dylan Fetcho moved up to the 10-12 Year-Old Class and finished first for the second time of the night.
Brent Vickers took home the first place trophy in the Unlimited Class, while Lynnette Boyd finished second.
Stock Medium Class had Kelsey Whitefield winning just ahead of T.J. Fetcho.
In the Stock Lite Class, there were only two drivers. Derek Carter beat Kelsey Whitefield to the finish line.
In a very competitive race, John Hearn outlasted Jerry Duffle to win the Clone Heavy Class crown.
The Animal Heavy class race featured Scott Fetcho and Charles Adams, with Fetcho stealing the victory.
In the last and most exciting race of the night, William Hughes banged his way to the front for the victory in the Clone Medium Class.

DeKalb County’s Grandpa Fair  of the south celebrated it’s 154th year this week in Alexandria.
Featuring a wide array of events for people to enjoy, the stands were packed for most of the shows.
From horses to horsepower anyone could find something to get reved-up about.
Things got started on Monday with the cattle show going first at the barn and the rodeo at the T.C. McMillen Arena.
The bronc riding was really exciting, with many of the participants being thrown off their horse however, a handful of riders were able to hold on for the full 8 seconds.
Later on, the barrel racing was fast, yet elegant, as the riders led their horses around the barrels.
On Tuesday night, the go-kart racing was at the arena.
The little kids were allowed to ride on the track before anyone else, which was a lot of fun watching the young riders control their ATV’s.
So, when the older riders started, the track was in great shape to put on a show.
Which is exactly what the riders did.
Brent Vickers and Dylan Fetcho both had two victories for the night.
The four wheelers and motorcycles came out on Wednesday night.
There was a big crowd on hand for the event. Mud was slinging well into the night, with a large number of participants in the contest.
With the drivers being so competitive, it was only a matter of time until there was a big wreck.
The big one came in the last event of the night.
Jason Stover was bumped into the outside wall and then thrown off his four-wheeler a distance of twenty feet, landing at the start/finish line.
The race was halted for some time and Stover was treated at the scene and released.
On Thursday, night the mud drag racing stopped by, slinging mud everywhere.
With the amount of money invested in the trucks and tractors, mud should be scary, but not with these racers. Some of the rooster tails where as high as forty feet.
Friday was truck and tractor pull night, along with the demolition derby.
The truck and tractor pull was as loud as thunder, shaking the earth as the contestants drove by.
Then, to cap it off on Saturday,  the super tractor and truck pull drivers rumbled into the arena. The engines were so loud that it shook and rocked the stands.
So as this week’s events wrapped up, maybe everyone had a memory to take home.