TWRA to Follow Guidelines at Agency
Sponsored Events During Dove Season
NASHVILLE - Each year, the Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency provides between 75 and 80 dove fields across the state for hunters from either privately owned leased fields or fields planted on wildlife management areas (WMAs).
Privately leased fields are usually harvested grains, like corn silage, while management area fields are planted small grains like sunflowers, millet, or wheat. For the last several years, hunters in Tennessee have harvested between 11,000 and 18,000 doves annually during the opening days of dove season.
This upcoming dove season, the TWRA will require customers to follow all local, state, or federal CDC or COVID-19 precautions and guidelines while hunting or participating in Agency sponsored events.
All youth dove hunting events will not serve food or refreshments as well as all non-hunting activities, like skeet shooting, etc., which may challenge social distancing requirements, will be discontinued. Door prizes, T-shirt give-a-ways, etc. will be held in a manner to eliminate close contact with others.
For specialty hunts, where hand-held drawings will be conducted for permits or staked positions on dove fields, special provisions may apply. Our hand-held drawings may require customers to adhere to established guidelines specific for each site. Examples for potential requests from the Agency for customers to follow may be staying in or near their own vehicles, following one way vehicle or foot traffic signs or directions, and patiently waiting for drawings to occur due to delays from Agency staff conducting themselves in a manner to ensure safety of both themselves and our customers.
Additionally, for all dove fields and Agency sponsored events please be aware of the following:
- Agency employees will wear masks and/or facial coverings when near others. Participants will be encouraged to do likewise.
- Signage or informative flyers will be available for customers encouraging adherence to CDC Guidelines for safe operation of dove fields.
- Please maintain safe separation between registration tables or Agency vehicles and other hunters.
- Limit the number of persons around registration tables or Agency vehicles and please social distance if lines form.
- Signs and staffing will be available to direct the flow of persons through high-traffic areas in a manner that results in one-directional “lanes” where possible.
- TWRA will provide hand sanitizer and a limited amount of facial coverings at a sanitation station for users.
- Encourage customers to minimize touching surfaces and common areas.
- Have a safe and enjoyable hunting experience!