Johnny Lynn Devault, 31, was arrested on Aug. 6 and charged with a July 4 aggravated assault.
According to Sheriff Patrick Ray, an officer was called to Devault's residence on July 4 in response to reports of a physical altercation. Upon arrival, the deputy spoke with a woman who said she had been assaulted by Devault. He allegedly strangled the woman, grabbing her by the throat and the back of the neck, and squeezing her face.
The assault resulted in the woman having physical marks on parts of her body. After the assault and prior to police arrival, Devault reportedly left the scene. His bond was set at $5,000 and he will appear in court on Aug. 14.
Michael Dwight Foutch, 42, was charged domestic assault on Aug. 9. Ray said a deputy was dispatched to the emergency room of DeKalb Community Hospital to investigate reports of an assault. The attack allegedly took place at a local residence, and the victim was taken to the hospital after the incident. Upon arrival, the alleged victim told the officer that Foutch slapped him in the face, punched him, and then placed him in a choke hold.
The victim was treated at the hospital for a split lip, scratches to his neck and back, and injuries to his wrist. Foutch’s bond was set at $2,500 and he will appear in court on Aug. 14.
Ariane Ruth Lorance, 35, was charged with driving under the influence and driving on a suspended license on Aug. 10.
She was also cited for roadways laned for traffic, violation of the implied consent law, violation of the financial responsibility law (no insurance), violation of the open container law, and simple possession of a Schedule III drug. The sheriff said a deputy was behind a red Ford Ranger traveling west on Nashville Highway when he saw the vehicle cross over the white line multiple times, go off the right side of the highway, and then come back across the road and over the yellow lines into the opposite lane of traffic.
The truck was pulled over and the officer spoke with the driver, Lorance, who reportedly had a strong odor of an alcoholic beverage on her person and was unsteady on her feet. Lorance allegedly submitted to, but performed poorly on, field sobriety tasks. Her license was found to be suspended for failing to satisfy a citation in Davidson County. An open container of beer and suboxone strips were reportedly found inside the vehicle.