The Smithville Board of Aldermen approved an ordinance regulating package liquor sales in the city on second and final reading Monday night.
With aldermen Shawn Jacobs and Josh Miller not in attendance, the remainder of the city board voted to approve the measure as presented last month. The ordinance as approved establishes regulations for parties submitting applications for a certificate of compliance from the city. Applications are to be placed in the hands of the police chief and the city attorney for background checks, then will be submitted to the Mayor and Aldermen within 30 days. After an applicant receives a clean certificate of compliance from the city, it must be sent to the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission (ABC).
Requirements of the ordinance include:
•Applicants must have resided of the city for two years or in the county for three years previous to applying. All partners must meet the residency requirements.
•Applicants may not have been convicted of a felony within ten years of filing.
•Stores will not be permitted within 400 feet of a hospital, school, church, or any place of public gathering, measured in a straight line from front door to front door. If there is no structure on the place of public gathering, the distance would be measured from the front door of the liquor store to the nearest property line of the public gathering place.
•A minimum square-footage of 1,500 square feet is required, and the building must be a permanent type structure.
•There is no limit set on the number of stores that may operate.
•No retailer shall operate, directly or indirectly, more than one store.
•Stores could only be operated in appropriately zoned locations.
•Stores would be required to maintain a minimum $150,000 inventory
•Entrances must be located on the ground floor, with only one main entrance. A store located on the corner of two streets, however, may have a door opening on both streets.
•No liquor sales would are permitted for on-premises consumption.
•No radios, amusement devices, or seating facilities are allowed.
•The ordinance authorizes inspection fees and civil penalties for violations.
To see the entire ordinance, visit