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Cripps named director of schools
DCHS principal gets nod for top job
dir shake
School Board Chairman W.J. (Dub) Evins III congratulates incoming Director of School Patrick Cripps.


School Board Chairman W.J. (Dub) Evins III signed a temporary contract with the new director of schools Thursday night.


The Board of Education met in special session and voted to name DCHS Principal Patrick Cripps to the post. A preliminary 30-day contract was signed until Cripps and the board can hash out the details of the document at a workshop set for July 30. A final contract will be signed after the board votes on the terms at its next regular monthly meeting on Aug. 6 after the agreement has been reviewed by attorneys.


Cripps accepted the board's offer of a two-year contract with a base salary of $85,000 per year.


Members of the board used paper ballots, as recommended by Tennessee School Boards Association attorneys, to choose the new director. The votes were counted, and a roll call was taken to verify the votes.


Cripps said after the meeting that the first task at hand will be to choose his successor at the high school, as well as other positions recently left vacant in the system. "First off we have to get people in place," he said. "With me leaving my position that leaves two principals (DCHS and Northside) to replace. I immediately have to start looking at applications, setting up interviews, and getting those positions filled."


Cripps earned a BS degree from Tennessee Tech University in the fall of 1995 with a major in Psychology and a minor in Sociology. He earned an MA in Educational Psychology and Counselor Education at TTU in 1999, and received his Ed.S degree in Instructional Leadership at Tech in 2004.


While he has served as principal at DCHS for three years, Cripps career began as a Safe Schools Counselor in DeKalb County in 1997. He was named a School Counselor at DCHS in 1999, and became an Assistant Principal at DCHS in 2005 before assuming the duties of principal.


While seven people applied for the director’s seat, the board cut the field to three final candidates, but one those, Michael Steele of Spring Hill, removed his name from consideration, leaving Cripps and Supervisor of Special Education Gina Arnold to compete for the job.


Evins said that the decision was not taken lightly, and that Arnold was an impressive candidate as well. "Ms. Arnold, it has been a tough decision," he said. "I've heard many comments on your interview the other night. It could have gone either way. I appreciate what you continue to do here. I congratulate you on your efforts and thank you very much."


Board member Jerry Wayne Johnson shared his thanks to Interim Director Dr. Danielle Collins for her work while the board found a replacement for the recently-retired Mark Willoughby. "I want to thank Dr. Collins for what she has done," Johnson shared. "She worked hard on the budget. She stepped in and filled some big shoes, and she has done a wonderful job. I want to let her know I appreciate it. Thank you very much."


In a prepared statement, Collins said she enjoyed her time as interim diredctor. "Since the appointment of our new director, I would like to thank the board members for what they do for our system. We will continue our mission to ensure education in DeKalb County moves forward. I would also like to thank the board members for entrusting me with the responsibility as Interim Director for the last few months. The employees of our school system have been remarkable during this transition period. It has been a privilege to work with our board, news media, Mayor Stribling and County Commissioners and I look forward to working with them in the future."