Dear Santa,
I want a unicorn blanket. I want a unicorn scooter. I want a unicorn lunchbox. I want a unicorn emoji. I want an unicorn backpack. I want an unicorn water bottle.
Thank You very much Santa, Lillianna Mulford
Dear Santa,
I want a trampoline. I would also like a skateboard. My brother wants a new game. My other brother wants a PS4 controller. I have been good. That will be all.
Preston Cantrell
Dear Santa,
I would like a Jo-Jo Siwa doll. I would also like a new fake dog with a cage. I have been good this year and can’t wait till you come visit. I would also like a new dress with high heels. Could I please have a new baby stroller and some make up? I also found this bear that I would love to have please fly safely in the crisp winter air. We will have warm cookies and some milk waiting for you along with some food for your eight tiny reindeer. Oh by the way if you have any spares to spare, I could use some new pajamas, please once again, I have been very good and wish you safe travels.
Taylor Vincent
Dear Santa,
My name is Bratten Cook. I hope you had a fun summer. Can I please have a hoverboard, a cat and neon roller skates.
P.S. I would like a Dennis Daily backpack. Thanks.
Bratten Cook
Dear Santa,
This year I want Kidi buzz, Mayka, a barbie dream house, a lot of books, like activity books, critico critters, real acatimy, Jima Robots, Pikmi Pops, Zara, power wheels and conies.
Daryana Godinez Barron
Dear Santa,
Please bring me a fidget spinner, crayons, markers, glue, 5 money, play doh and a bike.
Thank You, Azul Rueda Garcia
Dear Santa,
Santa I have been a good girl. This year I would likes soggy doggy game and a don’t spill the beans game too. I would also like a pop the pig game and a baby alive with diapers. I want my life out fits 3 in a pack and my life pet grooming truck too and that is all for this Christmas.
Tanisha Owens
Dear Santa,
The first thing I want is some clothes for my Build-A-Bear and some clothes for my American Girl doll and a toy finger monkey and a lego set for my brother.
Thank You Santa I love You.
P.S. I will lay out a gift to Mrs. Claus and I will lay you out some cookies and a glass of milk and some Mac-N- Cheese.
Love You, Lola Ruth Colwell
Dear Santa,
I would like a phone and a tablet. I also would like a Nintendo DS and a computer for Christmas this year. I have been good this year.
Love, Chloe Madison Cantrell
Dear Santa,
May I have a stuffed puppy please? That is the only gift I need this year. Please make my wish come true. I have everything that I want this year except a pet so a stuffed puppy will do.
Thank You and I wish you a very Merry Christmas.
Sincerely, Verna Liu
Dear Santa,
I have been very good this year. Please bring me a robot unicorn and I would also like some make-up. My sister would like a big Minnie Mouse House.
I will leave out some Milk and cookies.
Thank you, Liliana Judkins
Dear Santa,
I wish I had a horse, a cat and a dog, Wii-U, a phone, cat food and a cat bowl and a new four wheeler.
Thank You, Sophie Adcock
Dear Santa,
My name is Sidney and I want a Nintendo switch, Mario cart deluxe 8 for my Nintendo DS. I also want a wubble ball and a spandium ball because it never breaks and some games for Nintendo switch too. I would like arms and punching game and Mario artist so you can put hats on to make you join Mario’s team. That’s all.
Love, Sidney
Dear Santa,
I would like for people that don’t have clothes or water or food to get clothes ,water or food. I want a real live unicorn please, please, please. You are AWESOME Santa and I will leave you milk and cookies.
Love, Summer Jane Garrett