Dear Santa,
I want a doll. I will leave you some cookies and milk. Please bring my brothers and sisters a gift too. See you at Christmas.
Love, Rosario
Dear Santa,
I know it has been a long year and I have been the best I can be, but I would like to go to Chuckie Cheese. I would also like a remote control air plane. I want Lego’s, a play kitchen with lots of food and cookware. I would also like for you to bring Cohen, my brother dinosaurs Lego’s, a race car, and also anything Spiderman. But now back to me, I want everything shopkins, I want elf toy, and Santa Clause light up toy. A princess carriage, five princess dress up clothes, cookies, marshmallows. I also want a remote control bird so I can make it fly. I also want sunglasses, horse, new fishing pole and a new gun. Please bring all the kids who want have a Christmas present a present for Christmas.
Love, Candince
Dear Santa,
I would like a wooshie cushion because it makes fart noises. I also want three Skylanders for my game. Last I want a full set of Pokemon. I have been good at school. Also helping my mom while she has a baby in her belly.
Love, Jadyn
Dear Santa,
I can’t wait until Christmas it is one of my favorite holidays. I love to leave cookies and milk for Santa Claus. My favorite part of Christmas is when I get to open presents. Not to much longer and Christmas will finally arrive.
Love, JaBraelin
Dear Santa,
I would like Hatchiamals, Elf on a Shelf, Slimeballs, red bike, Superman VS Batman toy and a Ninja Turtle toy.
Love, Gabrial Lykins
Dear Santa,
I want a toy transformer that turns into a car. I want a toy Santa hat real bad. Toy glasses that look funny. I want a boy hula hoop, a plane with a remote control, a Chicago Bears shirt, and toy food to play restaurant with.
Love, Clayton Yost
Dear Santa,
My name is Ella Taylor. I’ve been a good girl this year. I have been good to my sisters and parents. I would like a piano and a tablet for Christmas. I also would like some coloring books and crayons. If you can bring my sisters a puppy. Have a Merry Christmas.
Love, Ella Taylor
Dear Santa,
Hi, I’m Jaykob. I love you! Bring me something I really really want. Let me see Rudolph! Bring me down a new back pack. Can I have some new red chuck –e- cheese converse? Bring me down a lot of everything. Let me thing, I want a Spiderman bike with a helmet make it with a tight chin. I want to see all the snow deer. I would like to see you this Christmas!
Love, Jaykob Hanson
Dear Santa,
I was mostly good this year, sorry for fighting with my big sister. I worked really hard cutting trees down and weeds. I sweep the floors for my grandma and take out the bathroom trash. I go to church but I’ve been sick a lot and missed some. I always ask if I can help people but sometimes I’m too tired, school is long. I feed the dog and give her water and play with her. Now for my list. I want a big remote car for controlling. A boat so we can fish in it, real fake knife, new work boots, cards that are magic and a fake bb gun with bullets for me and my uncle.
Love, Gabriel Stuart
Dear Santa,
I want a Nerf gun that shoots bullets, phone, computer, pool and a four wheeler. I also want a tv for my room. Thank you Santa!
Love, Kisin Morgan
Dear Santa,
I would like a Nerf gun, Five Nights at Freddy, and a new bike and tablet.
Love, Henry
Dear Santa,
For Christmas, I want so many things. First, I want a Barbie playhouse. Second, I’ve been losing bows so I want more. Third, I want so many Shopkins. One of the things I really want is a toy horse that is pink. Wait, there is more. I want a Barbie car with Barbie’s friends in it. I also want an Elsa chair, a table, and little cups to go with it. I want a puppy pillow, new bicycle that has Frozen on it. I also want a puppy, play-doh, and a rainbow fidget spinner. That’s all I want for Christmas.
Love, Ofelia Mata
Dear Santa,
Hello my name is Jack. I would like to have some clothing please. Also I want toy car or a train toy of the North Pole.
Love, Jack Godinez Silva
Dear Santa,
I want you to bring Shopkins, trolls, babydoll and a tablet.
Love, Kynsley