With Christmas just passed, many have been travelling over the river and through the woods to grandmother’s house or visiting loved ones away from home. For DeKalb County residents staying home or having relatives visit you, this week we’ll look at two resources close to home where you can take family and friends showcasing our wonderful natural resources.
Tennessee is teeming with outdoor activities year round, many in DeKalb County or close by. Here are two to consider this holiday break.
Edgar Evins State Park – 1630 Edgar Evins State Park Rd., Silver Point • www.foeesp.com • (931) 858-2114
Edgar Evins State Park has events going on all year round, so it’s no surprise they have events during the holidays as well. Recently, they held their annual lighting of the tower on Dec. 2 to celebrate the season and it’s an excellent location to take family to showcase your outdoor assets.
Edgar Evins State Park encompasses approximately 6,000 acres on the shores of beautiful Center Hill Reservoir in the rolling hills of Middle Tennessee. It provides excellent recreational opportunities and accommodations on one of the most beautiful lakes in the South. If you want to enjoy the outdoors, why not take a drive to the park and hike one of its beautiful hiking trails to work off some of those holiday treats we all love to indulge in. There’s a wonderful view of Center Hill Dam from the top of the office tower too.
If your visitors are staying through New Year’s then they can attend the park’s New Year’s Day 1st Hike and Feast. Meet at 10 a.m. in the marina parking lot next to the covered picnic shelters to sign in, drop off food, and a group picture. Then car pool to the trail head for a two and one-half mile easy to moderate hike led by a Park Ranger on the Millennium Trail before returning to a blazing fire, hot beverages and a hearty lunch. Bring a prepared dish to share of foods you would normally enjoy New Years Day.
Cumberland Caverns – 1437 Cumberland Caverns Rd., McMinnville • cumberlandcaverns.com • 931-668-4396
Usually open seven days a week, Cumberland Caverns is a great local escape location and everyone has to go see Tennessee’s largest show cave at least once in their lifetime. Locals get a great deal on a family pass. It’s another showcase location nearby to wow your visitors with.
Yes, they’re closed Christmas Eve and Christmas Day but the folks at Cumberland Caverns are ready to take you on a walking or adventure tour every other day this year and what a day trip!
Cumberland Caverns, located in Warren County, is family-friendly and a visit lets one take a very healthy one and one-half-hour tour in a constant 56-degree temperature all year round. Cumberland Caverns gives tours on the hour from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., anyone with the will can take a hike that will, if nothing else, work off those holiday calories.
“Don’t let cabin fever strike your family and friends again this year,” said Cumberland Caverns Marketing Director Kelly Roberts. “Get a shot of adventure by visiting Cumberland Caverns and stave off the winter doldrums by scheduling one of our spelunking tours.”
The walking tour can be purchased separately or in a combination with another adventure tour for those who want a little more challenging tour. In this day of extreme sports, Cumberland Caverns makes for a great training ground for an upcoming Tough Mudder or other extreme sports challenge.
For those who want to make it a regular workout, a family pass is available for purchase if you live nearby.
A season pass walking tour is $30 for adults or $20 for children. There’s a special rate for two adults and two children is $90. This is definitely the way to go for repeat visitors as a daily ticket is $21 for adults and $13 for children 6-12 years of age. Family season pass for two adults and two children is $90.
If you like your experience or just want a unique camping spot, why not give the award-winning Cumberland Caverns a try? It was recently named one of the 10 most unique locations to spend the night in the world. Cumberland Caverns has the perfect escape for you, a Caveman Campout.
Don’t wait for spring before heading out to enjoy nature. Come and see why Cumberland Caverns is listed among Red Bull’s Top 10 list of most extreme places to stay in the world.