Home Health Nurse Margaret Becerril, 32, escaped this incident without serious injury Friday. Becerril was reportedly on her way to visit a patient when her 2001 GMC Yukon slid off Adamson Branch Road. According to Trooper Bobby Johnson of the Tennessee Highway Patrol, Becerril was traveling west when her SUV left the roadway, struck an embankment, and overturned. The vehicle apparently slid another 30-50 feet before coming to rest on its driver’s side. The trooper said Becerril escaped the vehicle without having to be extricated, and her only injury was a sprained ankle she suffered while removing herself from the wreck. While DeKalb County Fire Chief Donny Green and Joe Johnson of the Smithville-DeKalb County Rescue Squad reached the scene in four-wheel drive vehicles, icy conditions would not allow EMS to access the location of the crash. Rescue Squad eventually were able to reach the site of the accident with an all-terrain vehicle, and transported the woman off the hill to an ambulance, where DeKalb EMS picked her up and transported her to DeKalb Community Hospital.