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Man injured after sliding off road
wreck donny W SM



A Smithville man was injured Friday when his Chevy Tahoe slid off the road while he was on a mission to deliver supplies to his snowed-in mother. Joshua Dewitt, 34, was treated for possible back injuries and released from DeKalb Community Hospital after the incident. Dewitt was attempting to deliver groceries when he met another vehicle and slid off Indian Creek Youth Camp Road, just off Dale Ridge Road. His 2000 Chevy Tahoe came to rest on its passenger side about 20 feet down an embankment trapping Dewitt inside the SUV. Members of the DeKalb County Volunteer Fire Department’s Rescue team extricated him from the truck. An all-terrain utility vehicle and four-wheel drive truck were used to reach the Tahoe. Dewitt was taken out through the back hatch, and members of the Smithville-DeKalb County Rescue Squad placed him in a Stokes basket to remove him from the scene. The rescue squad then transported the victim from the scene to the top of the hill where they met DeKalb EMS on Dale Ridge Road.