While the information in last week’s story about the county property tax deadline was correct, the headline was erroneously put the deadline at March 1. The actual deadline to pay property taxes is Feb. 28. Penalties will begin to accrue on March 1.
The office is open from 8 a.m. Monday through Friday. Feb. 28, a Saturday, is the last day to pay 2014 property taxes before penalties begin to accrue. Though the office is normally closed on Saturday, the trustee’s office will be open from 8 a.m. until 4:30 p.m. that day.
The options for paying property taxes include paying in person at the trustee's office, by mail, or online at www.tennesseetrustee.com. Online payments will include a fee amounting to 2.75 percent of your tax bill if a debit or credit card is used, or an e-check may be utilized for $2.50 on any total. MasterCard, Visa, Discover, or American Express are accepted.
Partial payments in any amount will also be accepted. The unpaid portion will accrue a penalty at 1.5 percent and interest per month after March 1. Partial payments on 2013 delinquent taxes will be accepted until March 31.
Unpaid property taxes for 2013 will be turned over to Chancery Court on April 1 for collection. A total of 97.3 percent of 2013 property taxes have been collected, and a notice will be sent to those who still have not paid this week.
Tax relief is available until April 6 by visiting the trustee’s office at 732 South Congress Boulevard, Room 103. The phone number is 597-5176.