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School board to present second budget proposal

The Board of Education approved a second 2015-16 budget proposal to send to the county budget committee at its meeting Thursday night.


The first proposal from the school board, put forth on May 28, was rejected by the budget committee at a June 2 meeting. In response, the school board has cut a request for two new Response to Intervention (RTI) teachers down to one. They hope federal funding may be used to fund another RTI position.


A line item covering extended contracts, no longer funded by the state, was removed, and the board voted discontinue a billboard with a picture of high school graduates near the high school, saving $4,100. The board also elected to freeze funding for five positions in the school system left vacant by retirement or resignations. The money for those jobs will remain in the budget, but it will not be used unless the school system's average daily membership increases.


The board also discussed cutting out funds for AdvancED, which is responsible for accreditation of the schools, and cut $20,000 from the line item designated for new buses.


New funds for a new computer teacher position at Smithville Elementary School, a new part time janitor position at DeKalb West School, a new school nurse, technology and equipment upgrades, supplies for classrooms and intervention programs, and others remain in the new proposal.


The school board was forced to use about $250,000 from reserves to cover expenditures last year, and even with the cuts the same is expected in 2015-16.


The new proposal will be presented to the county budget committee when they meet on June 9 at 5:30 p.m. at the courthouse.