The list of seven candidates for director of schools in DeKalb County has been pared down to three hopefuls, including two local applicants.
Board of education reviewed the seven applications at a workshop last week, and settled on three candidates; DCHS Principal Patrick Cripps, local Supervisor of Special Education Gina Arnold , and Executive Principal for Statford STEM High School Michael James Steele from Spring Hill. Rejected applicants are Richard Rundhaug of Arizona Anthony Pack of Georgia, Greg Rockhold of New Mexico and a candidate who requested that she remain anonymous unless she made the final cut.
According to board policy, selection procedures must now be developed which shall include, but not be limited to the following:
The interview process for each finalist shall include meetings with various staff and community groups and an interview with the entire board.
Candidates shall be interviewed by the Board in an open session. Only board members will be allowed to ask questions during the interview.
The Board will attempt to select a director by unanimous vote, but a majority of the membership of the Board shall be required for the appointment of a director of schools.