The city of Smithville has received its second application for a certificate of compliance to apply for a liquor license.
The proposed new store would called Center Hill Wine and Spirits, LLC, and is planned to be located at 725 South Congress Boulevard in the Food Lion shopping center. James E. Bradshaw of Potts Camp Road has filed the application. Bradshaw is a former owner-manager of Pates Ford Marina. James E. Pendergrass of Jefferson Road is set to take over the store manager’s duties.
Jim Smith of Gene Vaughn Road, the first person to apply for a certificate from the city, has been approved for a certificate of compliance from the city, and is now waiting for approval from the Tennessee Alcoholic Beverage Commission (ABC) for a license to sell liquor. Smith plans to open a retail store at 413 East Broad Street (the current Clair's Consignment location) called Smithville Discount Wine & Spirits.
The city's liquor ordinance requires that applications for a certificate of compliance be passed on to the Smithville Police Department for investigation and to the city attorney for a review. A report of their findings are to be reported to the mayor and aldermen. Once a certificate of compliance is granted by the city, the applicant must send it to the ABC and apply for a liquor license from the state.
Bradshaw's application is expected to be brought before city aldermen at a special meeting sometime in July. All persons wishing to be heard on the certificate of compliance may personally or through counsel appear or submit their views in writing to the City of Smithville at 104 East Main Street, Smithville Tennessee 37166.
To be eligible to receive a certificate of compliance from the city applicants must meet the following criteria:
•An applicant must have been a resident of the city for the previous two years or a citizen of the county for three years. Anyone in a partnership must also meet the residency requirements.
•No applicant convicted of a felony within ten years of filing an application may be issued a certificate.
•There is no limit as to the number of stores that may operate but no retailer shall operate, directly or indirectly, more than one liquor store in the city.
•Liquor stores may only be operated in locations zoned for that purpose.
•No store may be located in a space of less than 1,500 square feet and the store buildings must be of a permanent type construction.
•Stores are required to keep in stock a minimum $150,000 inventory.
•Entrances must be on the ground floor, with only one main entrance. If a store is on the corner of two streets, a door opening may be maintained on each such street.
•No liquor sales are permitted for consumption on the premises.
•No radios, amusement devices, or seating facilities are allowed.
•In no event may a liquor store be permitted within 400 feet of any hospital, school, church, or other place of public gathering. The distances are to be measured in a straight line from front door to front door. If there is no building on the place of public gathering, the distance must be measured from front door of the liquor store to the nearest property line of the public gathering location.