Dear Santa,
I want to have a remote control car and a toy car. I also want a pack of toy cars and toy kid headband game and that is all.
Thank you, Deangelo Betancur
Dear Santa,
Your holiday is my favorite, and I think I have been good. Santa, I know you have been watching me.
Love, Karah
P.S. You know what I want. A Elf on a shelf. I love you
Dear Santa,
I would like to have some high heel boots and I want lip gloss with lip stick. I want a special dog that is white and it has a dress that’s a pageant dress that is pink.
Love, Peytin
Dear Santa,
I would like some barbie dolls, and some books. I would also like teddy bears, chap stick, and some stuff animals for me and my sister. I would like a popcorn maker, because we have movie night on fridays. That’s all I really want for Christmas the end.
Triniti Thomas
Dear Santa,
I want a toy Xbox blue control.
Edgar Torres
Dear Santa,
Can I please have a big barbie house with dolls, clothes, shoes, a pool and a kitchen and 4 beds a bathroom 4 rooms and even a elevator. I also want a project MC squares perfume maker and a kitchen with all the stuff and a new bike and a Ipod with a panda phone case and a princess carriage. Can I please have?
Allison Cortes
Dear Santa,
I want Nerf guns and power rangers toys. Please bring my brother a new girlfriend and my brother Trevor a new truck and my sister Natalle some Barbie dolls. Bring Jada a one horse sleigh with Ricky on it.
Brayden Nicholas