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Sheriff to seek more money for lakesite patrols
patrick uniform w sm


Sheriff Patrick Ray plans to ask the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to increase the rate of compensation for patrolling corps property from $32 to $40.50 per lakesite when a new contract is negotiated.


According to the sheriff, the corps is proposing 219 patrol periods at five lakesites between May 4 and Sept. 7 this year. His department would be compensated $35,040 to provide the service. While patrols would decrease from 229 last year and 236 in 2013, compensation would also drop from $36,640 in 2014 and $37,760 in 2013. Ray plans to ask for $202.50 per patrol period, or $44,347 for 2015.


The corps has contracted with the county to provide patrols from the sheriff’s department at lakesites for nearly 30 years, and has proposed that the arrangement continue, the sheriff has expressed concerns that the drop in the number of patrols and rate of compensation will end up costing his department. Ray met with the county commission in a workshop on Feb. 19, and with the emergency services committee last week, and informed them that by his account the county had lost approximately $2,720 because of the reductions patrol periods coupled with an increase salaries and fuel costs during the same period. The patrols may only be performed by full-time POST (Peace Officers Standards and Training) certified officers during contract-specified time periods.