Bradford pears bloomed out and covering our beautiful mountain as just about anywhere you look they’re in such abundance. Another delightful view of God’s great handiwork as they are bringing forth the annual expectation of what lies ahead as spring is inching closer and closer. Ah, spring; the tilling of that soil and that captivating smell of freshly turned ground (this is what farmers have anticipated for so long and do so well). That’s not my kind of work as my day is filled more with the aroma of downed wild onions and grass shorter in the evening hours after I’ve been enjoying mowing and making everything around here look better.
Anything that is worth having is worth taking care of. Just keep working at your project that you love doing. All that hard work will pay off before you know it.
Birds evidently don’t sleep in on Saturday mornings as they are singing way too loud outside our bedroom window a song that I have no clue to its lyrics, and with the rain coming down hard the flood waters are rising all around me. Relief to come from all this unwanted rain for me later on today. Maybe three days to come free of any rainfall. That will be a blessing.
If you have any news for the column, just give me a call at 615-63-4429.
Have a great day!
Happy St. Patrick’s Day March 17.
“Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13